Tuesday, February 24, 2009

El Dorado ecológico

El sueño del Dorado
Ever since the Spanish conquistadores descended the Amazon River, in 1542, perhaps no region on the planet had so ignited the imagination - or lured so many men to their death. For centuries, the conquistadores had searched the jungle for the glittering kingdom of El Dorado.

Las concepciones equivocadas sobre los "indios"
The notion of a complex civilization in the Amazon contradicted the two ethnological paradigms that had prevailed since the first encounter between Europeans and Native Americans, more than 400 years earlier. Though some of the first conquistadores were in awe of the civilizations that Native Americans had
developed, many theologians debated whether these dark-skinned, scantily clad peoples were, in fact, human; for how could the descendants of Adam and Eve have wandered so far, and how could the biblical prophets have been ignorant of them? In the mid-16th century, Juan Ginés de Sepúlveda, one of the Holy Roman Emperor's chaplains, argued that the Indians were "half men" who should be treated as natural slaves.
At the time, the most forceful critic of this genocidal paradigm was Bartolomé de Las Casas, a Dominican friar who had traveled throughout the Americas. In a famous debate with Sepúlveda and in a series of treatises, Las Casas tried to prove, once and for all, that Indians were equal humans ("Are these not men? Do they not have rational souls?"), and to condemn those "pretending to be Christians" who "wiped them from the face of the earth." In the process, however, he contributed to a conception of the Indians that became an equal staple of European ethnology: the "noble" savage. According to Las Casas, the Indians were "the simplest people in the world," "without malice or guile," who are "totally uninterested in worldly

Biological determinism had increasingly given way to environmental determinism. And the Amazon - the great "counterfeit paradise," as the archeologist Betty Meggers famously coined it - was the most vivid proof of the Malthusian limits that the environment placed on civilizations.

El Dorado si existió
Using aerial photography and satellite imaging, scientists have also begun to find enormous man-made earth mounds and causeways across the Amazon - in particular in the Bolivian flood plains where Fawcett first found his shards of pottery. Clark Erickson, an anthropologist from the University of Pennsylvania who has studied these earthworks in Bolivia, says that the mounds allowed the Indians to continue farming during seasonal floods. To create them, he said, required extraordinary labor and engineering: tons of soil had to be transported, the course of rivers altered, canals excavated, and interconnecting roadways and settlements built. In many ways, he said, the mounds "rival the Egyptian pyramids."Some scientists now believe the rain forest may have sustained millions of people. And for the first time scholars are reevaluating the El Dorado chronicles that Fawcett used to piece together his theory of Z. Though no one has found evidence of the fantastical gold that the conquistadores had dreamed of, the anthropologist Neil Whitehead said, "With some caveats, El Dorado really did exist."

Articulo completo aqui.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Much High Fructose Corn Syrup Contaminated With Mercury, New Study Finds Brand-Name Food Products Also Discovered to Contain Mercury

Minneapolis - Mercury was found in nearly 50 percent of tested samplesof commercial high fructose corn syrup (HFCS), according to a newarticle published today in the scientific journal, EnvironmentalHealth. A separate study by the Institute for Agriculture and TradePolicy (IATP) detected mercury in nearly one-third of 55 popularbrandname food and beverage products where HFCS is the first or secondhighest labeled ingredient-including products by Quaker, Hershey's,Kraft and Smucker's. HFCS use has skyrocketed in recent decades as thesweetener has replaced sugar in many processed foods."Just published in the peer-reviewed scientific journal, EnvironmentalHealth, is the bombshell that commercial HFCS appears to be routinelycontaminated with mercury. It turns out the contamination isn't somuch accidental as newly recognized, given the fact that much HFCS hasbeen made and continues to be made using 'mercury-grade' causticsoda."HFCS is found in sweetened beverages, breads, cereals, breakfast bars,lunch meats, yogurts, soups and condiments. On average, Americansconsume about 12 teaspoons per day of HFCS. Consumption by teenagersand other high consumers can be up to 80 percent above average levels."While the FDA had evidence that commercial HFCS was contaminated withmercury four years ago, the agency did not inform consumers, helpchange industry practice or conduct additional testing." "Mercury istoxic in all its forms," said IATP's David Wallinga, M.D., and aco-author in both studies. "Given how much high fructose corn syrup isconsumed by children, it could be a significant additional source ofmercury never before considered.(from the US Autism and Asperger Association)

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Food Insecurity

La seguridad alimentaria esta en peligro en todo el mundo sobretodo en los paises pobres, encima las empresas transnacionales estan comprando o alquilando grandes extensiones de terreno para producir alimentos.

Aqui el reporte de GRAIN

y los paises involucrados

Friday, January 23, 2009

El Gran Pajonal: biodiversidad y derechos indígenas

Hace tiempo quiero escribir de este maravilloso lugar. Solo algunas notas aquí:
Vean lo hermoso del paisaje en este site de la expedición ornitológica de Cornell Labs.
El Gran Pajonal es también territorio de los Asheninkas, un valeroso grupo amazónico que se enfrentó a los terroristas de Sendero Luminoso y hoy por hoy tienen una de las organizaciones indígenas mejor organizadas. También tienen una concepción del mundo vegetal y animal muy diferente del occidental donde las plantas y animales son considerados parientes de los humanos

En el extremo opuesto, el más cercano a los humanos, están las plantas cultivadas. Entre ellas se encuentran los correspondientes exactos del estatuto particular del mono coto en el reino animal. La yuca, "kaníri" (Manihot sp., Euphorbiaceae) a veces es llamada metaforicamente "choenéte", es decir "hermanas" (de un locutor masculino) - de "choéne" + un sufijo indicando la multiplicidad, -éte. Y el maíz, shínki" (Zea mays, Gramineae) puede ser llamado "arentyáine", es decir "primos paralelos" (de un locutor masculino) - de "aréntze", primo paralelo, clasificado como hermano en el sistema de parentesco ashéninka + el sufijo plural -ayne; la palmera "kíri" (Guilielma speciosa Mart./ Bactris gasipaes H.B.K., Palmae) también puede ser llamada así, y cabe resaltar que son los dos únicos vegetales de todo el universo ashéninka que se emplean con los sufijos y prefijos del masculino, en lugar del feminino.

La Reserva comunal del Sira se encuentra al norte de este area, la poca presencia del Estado, lo inexistente de oportunidades de trabajo, salud, educación y la presión de parte de los madereros está causando muchos problemas como lo cuenta aquí:

Hay un maderero trabajando con tractor forestal en la comunidad de Nazareth. Los pobladores no conocen cuál ha sido el arreglo entre el maderero y la directiva de la comunidad. Aparentemente han hecho un arreglo sólo entre ambos, sin la participación de la comunidad como lo indica la ley (25). Según comentan pobladores locales, este mismo maderero está queriendo ingresar a la comunidad La Selva, desplazando al maderero que actualmente opera allí. Según refiere un entrevistado, ya se ha solicitado a la comunidad para sacar madera de la quebrada Paniquiari. El maderero les ha prometido muchas cosas, radio comunicación, posta médica, etc. Les dice a los pobladores locales que "el gobierno no les va a dar nada, pero que él (y otros madereros) sí les va a dar cosas," buscando lograr la aceptación general en la comunidad. Este mismo maderero, al parecer con suficientes recursos financieros, está también trabajando en la comunidad de Nuevo San Juan, quienes están tramitando ya su permiso forestal ante el sector forestal del INRENA en coordinación con el maderero. Les ha entregado 10 000 soles ($ 2 900) en efectivo para la compra de un generador de electricidad y les ha prometido el 20% de la madera que extrae. El arreglo ha sido hecho sólo de palabra y no hay ningún documento firmado, como sucede en la mayoría de las comunidades, lo cual siempre ha sido causa de engaño y estafa.