La explotación petrolera esta siendo impuesta sobre las comunidades nativas sin consultarles. Concesiones petroleras son adjudicadas sin tener en cuenta los intereses y opiniones de lo ciudadanos de estas regiones.
Así lo cuenta de primera mano Ed que esta en un viaje recorriendo a pie el Amazonas (aqui el link)
The problem is that there is an Argentine oil company, Pluspetrol, which is about to extract oil from the Ashaninka’s land. They are due to arrive this month. The Ashaninka are scared, angry and fiercely defensive and they think I represent Pluspetrol because I am white.
The village HF radio network that we had used to our advantage the week before to send news of our arrival was being used to pass the message that Pluspetrol has come and not to let them through. They are coming indeed - but its not me
A man I told about this last night said that the Nativos in that part are “bad” and stand in the way of progression for Peru. He is repeating verbatim the propaganda that is being pumped into Peruvians by President Garcia. The TV ads say “Peru Advances” with shiney happy people extracting oil and other natural resources. Peru’s economy
is indeed advancing - the fastest in South America this last year - but at what cost?
100% of the Peruvian Amazon (outside of the few protected areas)
is now allocated for resource extraction of some kind. 100%. Here “conservation” is a dirty word and stands in the way of progress. The map below from 2007 shows the areas already contracted out for oil extraction in green, the lots under negotiation in orange and yellow are areas still up for grabs…
Este abuso no se puede permitir.