Lights out around the world for 5 minutes
The 1st of February 2007:Participate in the biggest mobilization of Citizens Against Global Warming!The Alliance for the Planet [a group of environmental associations] is calling on all citizens to create 5 minutes of electrical rest for the planet. People all over the world should turn off their lights and electrical appliances on the first of February 2007, between 1.55 pm and 2.00 pm in New York, 18.55 for London, and 19.55 for Paris, Bruxelles, and Italy. 1.55pm in Ottawa, 10.55am on the Pacific Coast of North America.This is not just about saving 5 minutes worth of electricity; this is about getting attention.Five minutes of electrical down time for the planet: this does not take long, and costs nothing, and will show leaders that global warming is an issue that needs to come first and foremost. Why February 1? This is the day when the new UN report on global climate change will come out in Paris.